by Elizabeth LaScala PhD
While some students stress over their ability to be accepted at highly selective colleges, there is a category of colleges that think quite differently about admissibility. These colleges are committed to providing assured/guaranteed admission to many types of learners and levels of ability. This guarantee of admission is for students with certain, basic data points (GPA and test score).
You may be thinking if it’s easy to get into, it must not be a good college. Not true! Some, like ASU, have multiple Nobel Laureates and a fantastic honors program, or, like U. of Iowa, a nationally recognized creative writing program, or, like Washington State U., a number 18 ranking (USNews) in international business. Others, like the U. of Missouri, known for its top-notch journalism program, create an easy path to residency, thus reducing the cost. Signature programs taught by outstanding professors can be found on every campus that offers guaranteed admission.
When putting together a best fit college list, unload some of the stress by including a few schools you know will offer you admission. A college list that is balanced by the student’s probability of admission, including some assured admission colleges, many targets and a couple of reaches, helps to reduce stress and insures a more favorable admission outcome.